
A "Secret" All Podcasters Know ...

All podcasters know that, when you publish a podcast with your email address in the RSS feed, you're going to have people take that email address and send you:

  • Sales pitches
  • Guest pitches
  • General spam

You could ignore everything, but if you do that, you'll also miss out on some great opportunities, like email from listeners who want to work with you and sponsors who want to buy ads.

Unfortunately, because of how podcasts are distributed, there's nothing we can do about people scraping our emails and sending us junk, but there are a couple of great email tools that will help you work with high volumes of email to sort through everything in a timely manner and make sure you don't miss any great opportunities.

I've got them listed below. But in general, whether you use these tools or not, I advise you to get a dedicated email address that's just for your podcast and use that in your RSS feed. It's a small (and free) thing you can do to segment everything away from your "real" email address, so you can work with general podcast email and pitches on your own time, not whenever somebody decides to "interrupt" your main email box.

Also in this issue of Big Podcast Insider, The Complete Guide to Influencer Marketing, which will help you to both position yourself as an influencer as well as hire other influencers to promote what you're doing. And some important YouTube information that I couldn't include in the previous issue.

David @ Big Podcast

Podcaster Opportunities

Podcast Marketing

Podcasting Tools

Podcast Production

The Wrap Up